Q&A with junior Addison Fornelli


Story by Joy Lee

How are you doing at PHS?

Oh, it’s good. It’s a lot different, environmentally different, but I’m getting used to it.

Why did your family decide to move to Pittsburg?

My dad is a baseball coach. He was the head baseball coach at Emporia State for 15 years and then [we] moved this year because he [got the job as] a baseball coach here.

What’s different about PHS from your previous school”?

In my other school we [would] hang out in the library a lot. So if you’re not doing much in your class, you just go to the library and all your friends are there. 

What do you like about PHS?

I like the collaboration room a lot. It’s really neat, it’s put together well. And I like how there are only two lunches because then you can be with your certain group of friends. You don’t have to be a different spot [every day]. I [also] really like my study hall teacher, she’s really cool. They [teachers] really get involved with your life. 

If another new student came to PHS, what kind of advice would you give them?

Get involved indefinitely with some sports and activities.