Girls basketball team quarantined; season is delayed

Hannah Gray

More stories from Hannah Gray

Photo by: Beth Blessent

Girls basketball forced to delay season after team is quarantine.

On Thurs. Dec. 3, all girls basketball players, managers and coaches were sent home after a member of the team tested positive for COVID-19.

Originally, players and coaches were scheduled to come back on Dec. 15. However, with the district changing their quarantine procedures, their new return date is Dec. 11.

Junior basketball player Haley McCabe is experiencing her first quarantine this year.

“I was definitely a little bit upset at first because this was my first time being quarantined and I was excited for the season to start,” McCabe said. “Also, I was really trying to not get quarantined before my birthday so it was definitely hard finding out I wasn’t going to be able to spend it with my friends and family.”

The girls basketball team was scheduled to play Nevada on Dec. 8. According to Activities Director Jeff Staley, the school is looking for a solution to make the game up sometime later in the season.

“As was the case during the fall season, I will work diligently to replace games that we lose due to being quarantined,” Staley said. “However, they may have to be with different schools. Since the girls lost their game with Nevada, we will try to find another date with them. If that doesn’t work out, I will try to find another school.”

Although the girls are quarantined, the team is doing what they can to continue their preparation for the season ahead of them.

“Usually we have practice right after school and get out when it’s just gotten dark, but now we practice later during the day right after it gets dark,” McCabe said. “We come to practice after everyone’s gone and it’s definitely just a little weird.”

McCabe brings light on the situation even though their season was delayed.

“Once I realized what I was going to be dealing with for the next two weeks I decided I was going to make the best of it,” McCabe said. “It was definitely a setback because we didn’t expect to get quarantined right before our first games but we still get to practice and get better.”