Booster staff reflects on Purple Power Hour

Story by The Booster Redux Staff, 2017-2018

From Dragon Time to Study Hall and now Purple Power Hour, PHS has undergone numerous attempts over the past four years to accommodate individualized learning time in the school day.

Earlier this year, a group of faculty members toured various schools with combined lunch and study periods before concluding that our high school should pilot a similar program.

Though we had mixed feelings prior to its implementation, Power Hour has now been generally accepted by the student body. During our class discussion, every staff member acknowledged the positive aspects of the change.

Personally, Purple Power Hour has proven beneficial in allotting more time for us to complete homework, interview students and conference with teachers.

It also adds a refreshing break for us to regroup and finish out the day strong. Being able to see all of our friends has boosted morale.

But we also anticipated the change to be chaotic. The high school currently lacks the necessary infrastructure to accommodate over 900 students in a 50-minute lunch period.

The timing was of piloting this program was inconvenient due to construction. The false wall set up in the commons area narrowed the walkway by 10.5 feet. Folding tables set up for lunch also take up a considerable amount of space.

Despite the overcrowding, we feel Purple Power Hour has had a positive impact on the school day, but it needs to be reconsidered for the space we currently have.

Currently, the main gym is being used for private dining, a lunch detention for students who dismissed a teacher’s request pass. If supervision could be expanded, the gym would be a good place for students to eat and hang out. If private dining has been successful, it could be moved to the Megan Mallatt gym in order to free up space in the main gym for students during Purple Power Hour.

While this may not be a permanent solution, it could be a step in the right direction during the renovations.

Overall, we would like to see this schedule continued next year. All of the seniors on our staff who have experienced three different study periods feel Purple Power Hour has been the most favorable program to date.